Saturday, October 13, 2012

Baby Jackson's "Choo Choo" goes to Vegas

My little baby Jackson LOVES his "Choo-Choo's," so when Lance and I were going on vacation to Vegas without Jackson, I decided to take one of his favorite trains and capture all of his adventures!  I made sure to get in some of Jackson's other favorite things too!

He always loves to look at photos on my phone of people/things he knows, so I thought this would be perfect, he would get a kick out of it.  So sure enough, when we got home, I showed him the photos and he thought they were the greatest thing, he asked to see them over and handing me my phone and asking "Choo-Choo's?" 

I think this will probably be a regular thing now!  Too funny!  Here are the photos of Choo-Choo's adventures, enjoy ;-)

As told by Choo-Choo to baby Jackson....

Here we go!  In the car, on the way to the airport

At the PDX airport, ready to go
I got my very own seat!  Buckle up!

We got to Vegas, say hi everyone!
I got to sit by Adam in the shuttle to the hotel
Here I am checking into the Excalibur
We were out exploring late, say hi to Lisa, Stacy & Christina up there!
Look at all the palm trees and big buildings here
Mom & Dad HAD to go to In N Out Burger, it was pretty delicious
There's a motorcycle coming out of that building!  Just like Grandpa Brad drove!
We got to see all kinds of sites, like the Eiffel Tower...
...The Statue of Liberty...
...and really cool boat in some water!
I got to ride on an escalator
and even a tram...well a replica
THIS was our hotel!  Can you believe it, it was a castle!
I got to eat your favorite, PIZZA!  (Hi Adam!)
We did a little bit of gambling...
Dad spent a lot of time in the Sports Book..., mom and I played Keno
One day, we played all kinds of arcade games!  Look at the horseys! and dad won a whole bunch of stuffed animals for you!
This is what the Strip looked like at night!  Look at all the lights!
You wouldn't believe how much crab Lisa can eat!  We couldn't believe it!
We even ran into Grandma and Jill on their road trip to Arizona.  They say hi!
Well, it's time for us to come back home to see you!  We ALL missed you so much!
(This is what our airplane looked like)