Friday, May 10, 2013

Engagement Photos | Stephani & JB

This is was such a fun shoot!  JB ABSOLUTELY adores Stephani (you're thinking, yea, he should, they're getting married, duh), but it was so heart-warming to watch them together!  He just wanted to kiss and hug her the whole time, it was precious.  My lovely BF Stacy came along and was my awesome assistant...(I'll put up some of her action photos she captured on her phone). 

It was a beautiful, chilly afternoon in downtown Portland, the sun even made an appearance so we could get some need shadow shots.  By the end, both Staph & JB were comfortable in front of the camera and so full of LOVE!  It was amazing....and Stacy and I were both jealous ;-)  I cannot wait for their wedding in July, it will be absolutely beautiful!

So here are some "how the photo was made" shots!  So much fun!